How Maison Sport Fits Your Style of Teaching

14 March, 2022 3 Min. gelesen

Just like many of the instructors on the Maison Sport platform, independent instructor Matt V. was introduced to skiing from a very young age. With both his dad and his grandfather being ski instructors themselves, it was inevitable that after a ski race career from age 8 to age 20, Matt too started working as an instructor after getting his qualifications. It was then that he moved to Chamonix to live all year round where he now teaches skiing during the winter and mountain biking during the summer.

Matt remembers when he first started teaching, in fact one of his first experiences was having to teach a group of beginners who were much older than him and he confesses to being a little intimidated and scared to take on such responsibilities. Twenty years later and countless hours teaching beginners, he is praised by his customers who regularly leave incredible reviews on his profile. What he enjoys most about being an instructor is passing on his knowledge of the sport he so clearly loves onto the yearly Chamonix skiers, and the possibility of being on the mountains every day “It’s a good way to work” he says. 

How Has His Teaching Changed?

Matt explains how he changed his teaching style around 10 years ago, while he still teaches beginners, he now focuses less on what he calls “regular school lessons” and more on making sure the customers learn to ski but while they enjoy themselves as much as possible and they are pushed to experiencing new challenges on the mountains. He also started working a lot more with larger groups of clients for longer periods of time; full days for a whole week instead of multiple sessions with different clients throughout the day. He says he enjoys being with the same groups of people and getting to know them, becoming friends and welcoming them back year after year. 

For someone who decides to change teaching style, and wants to, for example, teach longer lessons for longer periods of time, Maison Sport is the perfect platform to use. His regular clients can book him directly even a whole year before their trip, and he can establish booking rules like length of lessons, number of participants, and minimum days to book, ensuring the clients he receives are an exact match to his wants and in turn he’ll be an exact match to his clients’ needs, a true recipe for a wonderful holiday.

The possibility of adding booking rules to their profile is a function all of the instructors that use our platform really enjoy. By allowing them to make their profiles as specific as they want, it makes sure they only get bookings they truly enjoy teaching and therefore work just becomes pleasure. This is why Maison Sport is ideal for any instructor who wants to do things his/her own way, we simply provide you with the platform for your ideal client to find and book you and you do the rest. 

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