Off Peak Pricing Analysis 2022/2023

25 November, 2022 2 Min. gelesen

Whilst the large ‘Peak Week’ bookings are the ones that all instructors hope to receive, it’s the ‘Off Peak’ periods over the winter that can really make or break your season. Ski schools will generally lower their rates in off peak periods and will often give customers better deals than advertised to secure a good booking, so it’s hugely important to price yourself competitively, if you wish to fill up your off peak weeks.

Not only should you consider the prices of the other ski schools but you should be dynamic with your pricing over the course of the season – increase it for peak periods and drop it for the off peak weeks. This is a great advantage you have over ski schools who may not have a flexible online booking system, like what you have through Maison Sport. 

The Maison Sport team has been hard at work this week doing some research on the local ski school rates for some of our top resorts. Using the tables below, take a look at your own resort and see how you compare to some of the schools.

If you’d like any assistance setting up dynamic pricing in your calendar or would like any general advice on how to price your time across the winter, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Note: All the data below has been taken from public data on the ski school’s websites, based off a booking for 2 people in the middle of January.

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