We Have Decreased Our Re-booking Fee!

Customer 29 February, 2024 1 Min. gelesen

It’s now cheaper than ever to re-book with the same instructor on Maison Sport!

To give you a better experience on Maison Sport, we have decreased our re-booking fee to almost zero! This means that re-bookings are as cost-effective and convenient as possible. Maison Sport is about finding the perfect instructor for you. Many of our customers re-book the instructors that they love and we want to encourage and support this. Whether it’s the next day or the next year, if you re-book with the same instructor once your initial booking is complete you will now only need to pay a 1% payment processing fee! This new policy is live as of 14 February 2024.

For more information on our updated re-booking policy get in touch with our friendly customer support team today.

Die Währung des Landes des gewählten Resorts unterscheidet sich von der Währung des Landes des Hauptresorts


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