A Guide to Skiing in Arolla

25 June, 2024 3 min de lecture

Located in Switzerland’s Valais region, Arolla is a charming resort that offers a unique blend of stunning Alpine scenery and exhilarating skiing. The resort sits at an altitude of 2,000 metres, making it one of the highest ski resorts in Switzerland. Arolla is part of the larger ski area of Espace Dent Blanche, which offers a total of 120km of pisted terrain. This high-altitude resort is renowned for its reliable snow conditions and striking mountain views.

Arolla may not have a glacier, but it does offer a varied selection of ski slopes, from gentle nursery slopes for beginners to challenging off-piste areas for the more advanced.

Arolla Ski Area

The ski area in Arolla is made up of three main sections, namely Arolla, La Forclaz and Evolène. These areas offer a combined total of 42 ski runs, with 17% classified as green, 38% blue, 31% red and 14% black.

Beginner Skiing in Arolla

Although Arolla is known for its challenging terrain, it also offers a selection of excellent beginner slopes. The gentle nursery slope located in the village is the perfect place for beginners to learn and develop their skills. From there, skiers can progress to the wider, more gentle runs such as Les Places and Tsaté.

Intermediate Skiing in Arolla

Arolla is an excellent resort for intermediate skiers looking to challenge themselves. There are numerous blue and red runs for skiers to explore, with the blue run of Fontanesses and the red run of Vouasson being particularly popular. For those looking to push their skills, the black run of Pas de Chèvres offers a thrilling descent.

Advanced Skiing in Arolla

Advanced skiers will find plenty of challenges in Arolla. The resort’s steep slopes and off-piste areas provide plenty of opportunities for experienced skiers to test their skills. The black run of La Cassorte is particularly challenging, with a steep incline and tricky moguls. For a thrilling off-piste experience, the Glacier de Pièce is a must-visit.

Off-piste Skiing in Arolla

Arolla is a paradise for off-piste skiers. The area is renowned for its large number of off-piste routes, which offer a variety of terrains to explore. The Vallon de Réchy is a popular off-piste route, offering a challenging descent amidst stunning mountain scenery. However, remember to hire a local guide when venturing off-piste, as it can be dangerous without the right knowledge and equipment.

Snowparks in Arolla

While Arolla doesn’t have a dedicated snowpark, it does offer excellent freeriding opportunities for snowboarders and freestyle skiers. The natural terrain provides plenty of jumps and half-pipes for those looking to show off their tricks.


Arolla is a unique ski resort that offers something for every type of skier. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn, an intermediate looking to challenge yourself or an advanced skier looking for thrilling off-piste adventures, Arolla has it all. The resort’s stunning mountain scenery and excellent snow conditions make it a must-visit destination for any ski enthusiast.

No matter your skill level, we recommend booking an instructor who can help you discover the best runs to suit your abilities and enhance your overall skiing experience in Arolla. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience this hidden gem in the Swiss Alps!

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