Top rated ski & snowboard instructors

Find and book ski and snowboard instructors in European resorts
A ski instructor standing and smiling with a snow covered mountain behind them
A ski instructor with 3 children standing in front of a wooden cabin in the snow

Our most popular instructors are renowned for going the extra mile

Choose from over 1,000 independent ski and snowboard instructors across 500+ ski resorts on Maison Sport.

We have found that independent ski and snowboard instructors often go the extra mile to delight their customers, always ensuring their customers' experience is a great one.

The importance of having the right ski or snowboard instructor shouldn't be underestimated, an instructor that suits your needs will really help make your holiday unforgettable.

Whether you're booking a ski or snowboard lesson, or trying something new such as cross-country skiing, you can be confident of finding the right instructor for you on Maison Sport.

1,000+ top rated ski and snowboard instructors

Available in 430+ resorts, our most popular instructors are renowned for going the extra mile

Verified reviews

90% of which are rated 5 stars.

Are you an instructor?

Join our community of highly qualified, independent instructors. Sign up for free today! Our Instructor Community Team will support you every step of the way.
Choose when and where you work
Strong instructor community
Available in most European resorts